Dr. Kroese-Deutman, H.C.
Het is mijn passie om mensen zo goed mogelijk te helpen en begeleiden, om ze zo weer een normaal leven te kunnen laten leiden. Het leukste van ons vak is de variatie; iedere patiënt heeft een ander uitgangssituatie en dus een andere behandeling nodig; hierdoor is het keer op keer een uitdaging om maatwerk te leveren.
• Prepubertal unilateral gynecomastia: a report of two cases
Inge A. Hoevenaren,corresponding author1,3 Dina Antina Schott,2 Barto J. Otten,2 and Henriette C. Kroese-Deutman1
Eur J Plast Surg. 2011 Oct; 34(5): 395–398.
• Massive weight loss after bariatric surgery and the demand (desire) for body contouring surgery
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 37(2) · February 2013 with 15 Reads
Esther M. Klopper, Henriette C. Kroese-Deutman, Frits J. Berends.
• Reconstruction of a traumatic frontoparietal defect using three-dimensional imaging and lipofilling
Journal of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 66(9) · April 2013 with 46 Reads
Inge A Hoevenaren, 2nd Thomas J J Maal, 3rd Stefaan Berge,4th Henriette C Kroese-Deutman,5th Dietmar JO Ulrich
• Prepubertal unilateral gynecomastia: a report of two cases
Inge A. Hoevenaren,corresponding author1,3 Dina Antina Schott,2 Barto J. Otten,2 and Henriette C. Kroese-Deutman1
Eur J Plast Surg. 2011 Oct; 34(5): 395–398.
• Bone inductive properties of porous calcium phosphate cement implants loaded with rhBMP-2 and inserted in rabbits.
P.Q. Ruhé, H.C. Kroese-Deutman, P.H.M. Spauwen and J.A. Jansen.
Biomaterials. 2004 May;25(11):2123-32.
• Bone inductive properties of Rh-BMP-2 porous calcium-phosphate cement implants and inserted at ectopical site in rabbits.
H.C. Kroese-Deutman, P.Q. Ruhé, P.H.M. Spauwen and J.A. Jansen.
Biomaterials. 2005 Apr;26(10):1131-8.
• The influence of RGD-loaded titanium implants on bone formation in vivo.
H.C. Kroese-Deutman, J. van den Dolder, P.H.M. Spauwen and J.A. Jansen. Tissue Eng. 2005 Nov-Dec;11(11-12):1867-75.
• In vivo degradation of porous poly (propylenefumarate)/ poly (DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) composite scaffolds.
E.L. Hedberg, H.C. Kroese-Deutman, C.K. Shih, R.S. Crowther, D.H. Carney, A.G. Mikos and J.A. Jansen.
Biomaterials. 2005 Aug;26(22):4616-23.
• Effect of varied release kinetics of the osteogenic thrombin peptide TP508 from biodegradable, polymeric scaffolds on bone formation in vivo.
E.L. Hedberg, H.C. Kroese-Deutman, C.K. Shih, R.S. Crowther, D.H. Carney, A.G. Mikos and J.A. Jansen.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2005 Mar 15;72A(4):343-53.
• Methods: a comparative analysis of radiography, microcomputed tomography, and histology for bone tissue engineering.
E. L. Hedberg, H.C. Kroese-Deutman, C.K. Shih, J.J. Lemoine, M.A. Liebschner, M.J. Miller, A.W. Yasko, R.S. Crowther, D.H. Carney, A.G. Mikos, and J.A. Jansen.
Tissue Eng. 2005 Sep-Oct;11(9-10):1356-67.
• Growth factor-loaded sca olds for bone engineering.
J.A. Jansen, J.W. Vehof, P.Q. Ruhé, H.C. Kroese-Deutman, Y. Kuboki, H.Takita, E.L.Hedberg, A.G. Mikos.
J Control Release. 2005 Jan 3;101(1-3):127-36.
• Closing capacity of cranial bone defects using porous Ca-P cement implants in a rabbit animal model.
H.C. Kroese-Deutman, J.G.C.Wolke, P.H.M. Spauwen and J.A. Jansen. J. Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 2006; 503-511.
• Orthotopic bone formation in platelet rich plasma (PRP) loaded titanium ber mesh placed in segmental defects.
H.C. Kroese-Deutman, Vehof J.W.M., P.H.M. Spauwen, P.J.W. Stoelinga and J.A. Jansen. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Jun;37(6):542-9.
• Torque testing as a method to determine the regeneration of segmental bone defects in rabbits provided with porous calcium phosphate cement.
H.C. Kroese-Deutman, J.G.C.Wolke, P.H.M. Spauwen and J.A. Jansen.
Tissue Engineering part C: Methods (2009).
• CO2-laser treatment of benign juvenile acanthosis nigricans.
D.S. Wijnberg, H.C. Deutman, P.M. Steijlen.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2000; volume 23, Number 4, 238 – 240.
• The area of transposition of the pedicled deep inferior epigastric perforator ap: an anatomical study.
P.H.M. Spauwen, H.C. Deutman, J.M.G. Kauer.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2000; volume 22, number 5-6, 234-236.
• A buried reversed radial forearm ap in pharyngeal reconstruction: refinements and monitoring.
H.C. Deutman, E.H.M. Hartman, H.A.M. Marres.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2000; volume 23, Number 4, 204– 207.