Corona en electieve esthetische chirurgie
Update 22 april 2020
Het OMT is van mening dat het risico voor de volksgezondheid beheersbaar is in het geval van *beroepsgroepen die normaliter gebruik maken van beschermingsmiddelen (zie het hele OMT advies in de link).
Met inachtneming van de kaders die worden aangegeven in de Leidraad in het kader van maatregelen Coronavirus preventie in de (esthetische) plastische chirurgie (ZBC en Polikliniek), kunnen plastisch chirurgen die zich met name of deels bezighouden met cosmetische behandelingen en operaties, hun werkzaamheden vanaf 28 april a.s. op aangepaste schaal en op veilige wijze hervatten binnen de aangegeven beperkingen.
Het bestuur van de NVEPC volgt de ontwikkelingen rondom het Corona virus op de voet.
Het bestuur raadt haar leden aan om de landelijke en lokale adviezen op te volgen. Het spreekt voor zich dat cosmetische, maar ook andere electieve ingrepen beoordeeld moeten worden door de individuele behandeld arts. Het is onmogelijk daarover een landelijk advies te geven, omdat niet alle individuele casuïstiek juist ingeschat kan worden. Wel kan hierover een richting gevend advies worden uitgebracht.
Dit advies luidt dat er nagedacht moet worden over risico’s van overdracht op patiënt en personeel, risico van toegenomen vatbaarheid van de patient, risico van afgenomen weerbaarheid van de patient na een electieve ingreep en onjuist gebruik van materialen en capaciteit. Denk ook na over nazorg en eventuele complicaties van uw patiënt die in de spoedig overbelastte ziekenhuizen behandeld moeten worden.
Samenvattend kan worden gesteld dat er zeer terughoudend dient worden omgegaan met de planning van electieve ingrepen en waar mogelijk deze afgezegd moeten worden.
Bericht van de E(A)SAPS
Hierbij het advies van de European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Societies (E(A)SAPS). Het bestuur NVEPC adviseert een ieder die zich bezig houdt met esthetische behandelingen het advies ter harte te nemen.
E(A)SAPS has been following the recent developments of COVID-19 attentively. As an organization specifically aimed at aesthetic plastic surgery societies and surgeons in Europe, we see it as our duty to give you specific advice as how to deal with the current situation. Of course, the situation will differ from one country to another depending on the phase of the spread of the virus locally. Nevertheless, some clear conclusions can be drawn.
Reduce spreadIn light of past experiences and science it is clear that the coming weeks are crucial for the course of the epidemic in Europe and the world. One clear fact is that if we limit the number of social interactions the virus will spread slower, allowing us to be able to treat the ill. Hence the closure of schools, restaurants, sport events etc. It is our duty as doctors to set a clear example and i think as plastic surgeons we have to lead by example. It will be inexcusable to burden the healthcare system with possible complications of Aesthetic procedures no matter how minute. Not to mention the use of resources (masks, gowns, medication) that could become rare in the coming months. It is thus the advice of E(A)SAPS to suspend all consultations, treatments (surgical and nonsurgical) and operations for at least the coming 3 weeks until the situation becomes clearer. "Social distancing" is the only thing we as a society can contribute to slow the spread of the virus.
PrecautionsWhen treating patients who need our continued attention, we have to take all measures as described by the WHO and local governments.
Ventilators and other resources, in case we do not manage to reduce the rate of infections, it is likely that (like Italy) there will be a lack of ventilators to treat the seriously ill. In that case all unused ventilators are essential. All private clinic owners should report the available equipment to their National Society so that this important information can be shared with the local authorities / crisis centers. This is true for masks, gowns and medication as well.
Many of you will have already shared similar information with your colleagues, or have taken these decisions already and if so we commend you for that. I you have not come to that we urgently advise you to share this.
Please stay safe and healthy, On behalf of the Board and Committees of EASAPS.
Bericht van de ISAPS
COVID-19: Recommendations for Management of Elective Surgical Procedures in Aesthetic Surgery
18 maart 2020
This document is a strategic guidance built on generic principles to be operationalized in specific country-system contexts, according to local, regional and/or national requirements and jurisdiction
It is very likely that the health care infrastructure and resources of most countries around the world will be strained over the coming weeks because of the dissemination of COVID-19 particularly as it relates to care of the most critically ill patients.
Social distancing, crowd avoidance, and other techniques do help to flatten the curve of the dissemination of COVID-19, but beyond that, it is appropriate to be forward thinking regarding those patients who will, nevertheless, become infected.
ISAPS has additional comments on this issue. Following a careful review of the current situation and given the current guidelines of the World Health Organization and Center of Disease Control and Prevention, we recommend the following:
- Each hospital, health system, and plastic surgeon should thoughtfully review all scheduled elective procedures with a plan to minimize, postpone, or cancel electively scheduled operations or other invasive procedures until we have passed the predicted inflection point in the exposure graph and can be confident that our health care infrastructure can support a potentially rapid and overwhelming uptick in critical patient care needs.
- Immediately minimize use of essential items needed to care for patients, including but not limited to, ICU beds, personal protective equipment, terminal cleaning supplies, and ventilators. There are many asymptomatic patients who are, nevertheless, shedding virus and are unwittingly exposing other inpatients, outpatients, and health care providers to the risk of contracting COVID-19.
Don’t put your elective patients at risk: An asymptomatic patient can turn into a complication patient through general anaesthesia, as we push the viruses into the lungs through ventilation. In addition, we weaken the immune system with every surgical procedure.
Every operation can cause complications that require hospitalisation and possibly intensive care, which is a scarce resource in corona times.
Keep in mind that every infusion, every ampoule of adrenaline you need for liposuction or an antibiotic that you give for prophylaxis in a breast augmentation might be needed for emergencies and is already in short supply on the world market and already no longer available in several countries.
Time is of the essence. Please be vigilant and take a leadership role in your practice setting so that these recommendations begin to take hold immediately.
Dirk F. Richter – ISAPS President
19 maart 2020
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